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Read An Excerpt of Daughter Darkness (the Myrk Maiden #1)

Twilight meets her "true family"

I backed away from them all, their hollow, apathetic faces, their shadowy eyes, the sickness of dark magic radiating from each one of them.

That was the darkness about them, I realized. It was their magic.

"You're sick inside. You're wrong. I—I won't associate with you!" I stammered, then I turned and fled.

There had to be an exit. Some kind of escape—

"Resisting your true nature is futile, Twilight! You do not belong with humanity, and you never will!" Father Sein yelled as I stumbled away. "You know you're making a mistake! If We have to force you to accept reality, We will!"

Tears gathered in my eyes, hot, burning, vision–impairing tears.

I heard Sein yell, "Get her. She's had these dreams for two years, and she's frayed my final nerve. If she wants to play this hard, so be it. I don't give a damn."

I sprinted down a dim hallway in whatever facility I was in of theirs, the world a discombobulating mixture of colors, shapes, and shadows. Pumping my legs as quickly as I could drive them, I made it to the end of the hallway, and it looked promising.

I seized the knob on one of a pair of metal doors, prepared to make my escape.

I'd made it.

But my hopes died as soon as they'd been born when the knob refused to budge. A silent scream burned in the back of my throat.

Footsteps, coming down the hall.

I whipped around to confront my pursuer. A knot of unspeakable dread was tying itself within my chest, the anticipation of misery and disaster—

"There you are, Twilight."

No, no, no, I couldn't be caught, I wouldn't... wait…


The man at the other end of the hallway nodded, but it was a slow nod, strange and untrustworthy. Black eyes glinted in the hazy half–light. "I love you, Twilight. You know I do. And I always will. So, come. Come to me." Father opened his arms for an embrace I would rather die than give him.

There was no escape. He had me cornered.

"I know what you want," Father told me as he slowly stepped closer. "I understand your desires. You want bloodshed. You want power. You want to feel human flesh gnash between your teeth. You're violent inside; I know you are. Let your wants consume you, Twilight. Rise from mundane mortality and accept the Sharavak that is in you. Remember that barn fire? No way it could have put itself out. How do you think I did that?" He grinned. "Magic is useful, so accept it already."

I shook my head. "You're crazy, out of your mind. I will never be like you. I refuse. Hear me, Father? I refuse!"

Like what you just read? Check out my debut novel on Amazon, and while you’re at it, sneak a peek at Book #2, Daughter Dusk!

Read an Excerpt of Daughter Dusk (the Myrk Maiden #2)

Twilight spars with an evil spirit

"Myrk Maiden."

A massive baine swooped in front of us, bearing a sword that looked to be composed of worms in its left hand. The worms held their blade shape by way of magic, gnashing their fangs and struggling against each other in formation, prepared to devour more meat.

"Your curiosity will now kill you. My children are hungry," the baine laughed. 

Its eyes were endless sockets, out of which more worms crawled. When it grinned at us, the creatures wriggled between its teeth and dropped from its tongue. They started squirming toward us.

We blasted them away, and the baine swung.

My barrier, weakened since we arrived, trembled upon impact. I prayed for it not to disintegrate, and it held, but barely. With another hit, it would be gone. The disastrous heat around us would kill me instantaneously, assuming something else didn't first. 

The shield was not allowed to fail.

Solshek moved forward and slashed at the baine with a lumensa blade, sending it staggering back. It began to spar with him with its worm sword. Every time the blades met, a few of the things dropped from their assembly and came after me. 

I didn't have time to worry about the worms, though. Another baine landed behind me. This one had a torch in its hand. It jabbed the burning end at my shield and taunted me, growling, "One strike and your god will have proven He's forsaken you. Let us dance, sorcerer."

We danced. 

When the monster took a swing, I took a sidestep, practicing what I'd learned with Korbin and Cobi sparring, deftly evading death. I managed to snatch up some of the worms with magic and shove them into the baine's face, but I noticed too late that it was fighting me into a corner—of lava. 

I fell. Solshek shouted nearby, but his voice was distant compared to the roaring in my ears. The heat was increasing. I was collapsing.

It's over.

Only it wasn't. My magic held—


I rose on quivering legs atop a churning lake of fire. I was not in it, but on it, my feet safely inside the light surrounding my body. Snarling, the baine that had backed me into it hissed, "Impossible. You will die today, I promise you."

Glancing quickly at my feet, I laughed and looked back at the entity. "Make your promises, devil. We all know the only language you speak is lies."

Ready to plunge into the Myrk Maiden’s world? Follow the series!